Light Drop, wall lamp

The Light Drop design was created to make people think about how we are dealing with our natural resources, in this particular case, the water, which is the main source of energy for every living organism in this fantastic world. Water is energy indeed. 
This wall-mounted lighting element illuminates the custom-molded polycarbonate bulb with an embedded, dimmable LED in the faucet, which is intuitively controlled by the tap -- the more you twist, the more light you get -- which also is a good way to contextualize energy use (though at a greatly reduced rate, compared to an incandescent version of the same design. 
This design won the Third Prize in the Bright LED international design competition, by design boom. 
Produced and sold by Wever & Ducre, Belgium. 

A luminária Light Drop foi concebida para motivar as pessoas a pensar sobre como estamos lidando com nossos recursos naturais, neste caso em particular, com a água, que é a nossa principal fonte de energia direta e indireta. Água é energia.
A Light Drop funciona com o bulbo feito em policarbonato injetado, iluminado por lâmpadas LED, cujas a intensidade é controlada ao abrir e fechar a toneira.
Este design ganhou o terceiro lugar no concurso internacional Bright LED, do site design boom, do qual participaram milhares de designers do mundo todo.
Produzida pela empresa Wever & Ducre, Bélgica.

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